This book introduces baby to five essential expressions: happy, sad, sleepy, hungry and surprised in the form of a crinkly double sided soft pad.  It can be played with flat on the floor, when in a buggy or pram outside, or free-standing, which will encourage your baby to practice tummy-time.  The toy is lightweight, easy to fold and includes plastic rings so it can be attached to buggies, car seats and cots! On sale

Taf Toys

My Feelings Crinkle Toy

€13,50 €17,50

This wooden cow has two wooden arches at the base and is easily rocked by small children and babies. The yellow wire bead frame goes around and through the middle of the cow with enough space for the rainbow coloured beads to be pushed through. Made from high quality, responsibly sourced materials. On sale


Cow Rocking Bead Frame

€9,25 €11,25

This green wooden crocodile has four wheels at the base and is easily pushed along the floor by small children and babies. The red wire bead frame goes around and through the middle of the crocodile with enough space for the rainbow coloured beads to be pushed through. Made from high quality, responsibly sourced materials. On sale
This wooden horse has two wooden arches at the base and is easily rocked by small children and babies. The blue wire bead frame goes around and through the middle of the horse with enough space for the rainbow coloured beads to be pushed through. Made from high quality, responsibly sourced materials. On sale
Keep your rascal entertained in the car with this fantastic combination of soft activity toys and a rear-view mirror!  Features brilliant soft activity toys including a crinkling rainbow, rattling koala, a chime bell snail and a baby teether.  Perfect for rear-facing babies as the baby-safe mirror allows adults to view their little one from the front of the car.  Encourage the development of your rascal’s senses and motor skills while keeping them calm and happy in the car. On sale
This beautiful wooden bead frame has a wooden base decorated with illustrations of marine life and water. It has a yellow and a blue wire built into it, which loop and intertwine so your rascals can make the beads go up, down over and around in every direction. Some beads include small illustrations matching the theme of the frame while others are solid colours. There are also two small wooden boats attached to the base coloured red and green. On sale


Wooden Marine Bead Frame

€18,00 €23,95

This blue wooden dog has two wooden arches at the base and is easily rocked by small children and babies. The red wire bead frame goes around and through the middle of the dog with enough space for the rainbow coloured beads to be pushed through. Made from high quality, responsibly sourced materials. On sale


Dog Rocking Bead Frame

€9,95 €12,95

Hush, little baby. Getting newborns to sleep can be quite challenging. And that’s where this cute music box in the shape of a sailboat comes in quite handy. When you pull down the striped life buoy, a comforting melody is played. Rendered in varied textures and colours, it’s set to become a winner above the crib or playpen. On sale
The Take Along Cosy Mat is a lightweight, extra padded play mat specially designed for newborns to help them feel secure in their early months whilst getting used to the outside world. The cocoon-like form creates a cosy and cuddly environment.  It is extremely user friendly as it is foldable, washable and has a fastening strap that allows it to easily transform from a full size mat to a cosy mat! The colours are gender neutral and simple with shades of yellow, salmon, blue white and grey. On sale

Taf Toys

Take Along Cosy Mat

€27,95 €45,50

Keep your rascal entertained in the car with this adorable Koala steering wheel and gear lever with sounds and lights!  This toy is perfect for front facing toddlers as it easily attaches to the head-rest of the seat in front. Your little one can imitate driving actions with car sounds, funny melodies and clicking sounds, It also features a large baby safe mirror. Features an adorable illustration of a koala in a car. Gorgeous colours of mint, yellow, grey and red. On sale

Taf Toys

Koala Car Wheel Toy

€27,50 €42,50

Your rascals will love exploring their world on the shell of a turtle! Includes two mint green turtles in two sizes. The smaller turtle fits underneath the big one for easy storage. Simple soft form. Arch shaped bodies with a carved smiley mouth and eye. These brilliant foam toys from MOES are perfect for balancing, swinging, stepping, climbing, surfing and building. They can also be used to build an obstacle course for rascals to walk over! The material of MOES consists of a sturdy and soft foam. On sale


Balancing Foam Turtles

€65,00 €105,95

This adorable toy is a cute little owl in a boat that plays soothing and playful melodies and is the perfect way to develop your rascal’s cognitive skills, emotional intelligence, motor skills and crawling. It projects gentle colourful star shapes and also has motion, light and volume control. A gorgeous musical toy that can be used as your rascal grows through four different developmental stages: A changing table entertainer, A crib soother, A tummy-time trainer, A crawling toy On sale

Taf Toys

Musical Boat Cot Toy

€27,95 €43,50